Thursday, September 17, 2009


Chris and I decided to put Allie in preschool this year. It's only three days a week for three hours. She started last week, but already missed a few days since the kids spent the weekend with the Yoders. But... so far, so good. She already has her little friends and loves all the "learning" parts of school. Her teachers gave her some papers last week to bring home since she was going to miss Friday and Monday. I told her it was her "homework" and she thought that was the coolest thing ever. Let's hope she continues to think that once she has real homework to do! :) 1st day of school!

She wanted a picture of her backpack.

Adam didn't want his picture taken!
At school

After school Allie wanted to hang her papers on the wall. She was proud of her work and couldn't wait to show daddy! :)


Vicki & Bruce said...

Glad to see she wasn't screaming and hanging on your leg like you did the first morning of preschool! She looks a lot like your 1st preschool picture.

Earl and Gail said...

She looks so big and grown up! Love that pic of Adam covering his face. What a cutie!

The Arnold Family said...

So cute! I can't believe how quickly they grow :( Does she love preschool?

Anonymous said...

Allie looks like she should be in first grade,she looks so grown up. We hope she loves preschool. I guess Adam enjoys his alone time with mom. :-)
Love, Debbie