Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trick or Treat 2009

Getting ready for trick or treating!
Adam before putting on his costume.
Chris did Allie's makeup for me. Good job, hon! :-p Pretty kitty!
Allie posed like this all on her own! :) Silly kid!
This is my favorite one of the kids!
Chris even joined in the fun! My cute little family!

I thought both the kids looked super cute, but Adam was the one that got all the attention. All the neighbors loved our little chicken!

Adam was ready to head home by this point. Allie and I did one more street and then joined the boys back at home.

The loot!

After eating too much candy the kids ran around the house like crazy people.

Adam didn't like wearing the wig!
Finally, a smile! :)
The wig was my Grandmom's - she wore it every Halloween on her school bus. She as a bus driver and loved dressing up for all the holidays! I know she would have loved seeing my kids in her wig! :)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Chelly. I recognized
Gmom,s wig first hand. She loved to wear that on the school bus. Thought the kids looked cute in their costumes.I beleive Erin has forgot how to blogg any more.

Vicki & Bruce said...

And the heritage of the wig lives on! Thanks, Chris! Adam WAS super adorable, but I thought Allie was an awesome kitty! She looked so grown up!