Sunday, December 20, 2009

Allie's Christmas program, Snow and Santa!

All ready for her school's Christmas program.
Allie was in the back row, so you can't see her in this picture. This is the morning and afternoon classes. The morning preschool is much larger, 30 some kids. Afternoon there is only 13. So most of these kids we don't even know! :)
Allie singing her heart out! :)
Each child had a little part they had to say. The did the Christmas story (the kids version) it was really sweet!
Allie and her buddy, Ella.
Emma, Ella and Allie. All best friends!

Pictures with Santa! Adam was not too happy about sitting on his lap! :)
Allie telling Santa her long list of gifts she wants this year! :)

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed all the xmas pictures. Looks like the kids enjoyed the snow.Tell Chris he will have to get a blade or blower for that John Deere. We got around 20 in. here.Really worked my blower to get rid of it.

Vicki & Bruce said...

Wish I could have been at that Christmas program to hear Allie sing her heart out! Maybe she'll sing for us next week! She looked so cute! Recognize the coat, too!